
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Well, at least I hope it does.  Dr. Left, aka the King of Kibbitz Corner, is going to be off the grid for several days.  Part of the reason is that I’ll be in real estate school from 8-5 next Monday-Wednesday, since the Indiana Real Estate Commission decided that they simply didn’t have enough of my money already.  At the end of that little academic exercise, I’ll be a duly licensed real estate salesperson for another year.  Clearly, this whole retirement gig has a lot more empty hours than I ever imagined, and even I can only spend just so many of them surfing the internet for…umm…amusement.  About the time you hit midgets and clowns, you know it’s time to seek therapy.

So I’m going to try out the realtor gig in my old age.  Sadly, the law clearly states that I have to work for another principal broker for two years before I can open my own shop, so I had to abandon my dream of forming “Benny the Jew Realty, Our Motto: Have We Got A Deal For You!”  And my current boss, while he’s a really nice and open-minded guy with a lot more flexibility than some of the corporate types I know, isn’t likely to let me put that on one of his cards.  Still, I can see the billboard in my head…I’m going to need to go back to smoking cigars, but it’s a small price to pay for my new persona.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Left and I will be visiting family over the next few days, and while my desktop will be home with the housesitter and my laptop will be with my luggage, I’m still not sure I’ll have much time for blogging.  If I’m doing my job right, that should put a frown on at least a couple of faces, so I’ll promise to check in and pound out a few words if I can.  Check in from time to time.  At worst, I’ll be back at the keyboard next Thursday, April 24.  Mark your calendars.