
Nothing Wrong With A Quickie Every Now And Then

I’d spend more time today blogging, but I’m due at my dentist in about an hour for two fillings, one crown, and a bite block he wants to build for about four hundred bucks, but which I’m going to decline, since the fillings and crown alone are going to run in the neighborhood of a Porsche payment.  I know a lot of people have Xanax-requiring anxiety attacks when anticipating a dental engagement, but it’s never bothered me a bit.  I’ve been known to drift off to the gentle thrumming of the high-speed drill and the calming burble of the suction device.  I’ve never been a guy who’s frightened by syringes of Xylocaine capped by long sharp needles.  It’s the snap of latex gloves ensheathing index fingers the size of sewer pipes that sends me into a panic attack…but that’s a different appointment for a different day.

Meanwhile, I wanted to add a couple of postscripts to yesterday’s piece. Oprah had a brilliant tweet, remarking that Donald Sterling seems to have a “plantation mentality” in the 21st century.  But as always, no one nails it like Jon Stewart and the writers of the “Daily Show”.  Noting the obvious facts that Sterling makes some of his millions off the sweat and talent of several large black men and that he shares his bed with a beautiful multiracial woman (the same one he told to not bring black people to his games), they summarized the situation with the best line of 2014 so far:  “It’s that age-old story, ‘Yeah, I’m racist, but my dick and my wallet are not.'”

More wit and wisdom tomorrow.