niki minaj

Figuring Out What’s Important: Niki Minaj’s Wardrobe Malfunction Or Ten Gunshots In Ferguson

There’s such a thing as too much of a good thing.  Being visually and auditorally assaulted for two straight nights, by the MTV VMA’s on Sunday and the Emmy’s on Monday, made me want to run to the shower and scrub down with copious volumes of Betadine soap, and yet, like a twelve-car pile-up on the other side of the road, I couldn’t help but stop and stare.  Last night around nine, when I’d had just about all the narcissism, self-congratulation, maudlin sentimentality, and flawless skin that I could stomach, Mrs. Left said to me, “Well, would you rather watch this or Rachel Maddow talking about bullets in Missouri and Russians in the Ukraine (or words to that effect)”?  To my eternal shame, I sheepishly replied with something like, “Well, I do want to see if Billy Bob Thornton wins for Fargo”.  And in the back of my mind, I wondering why in the fuck I could possibly have the least concern for the success or failure of a guy who’s seen Angelina Jolie naked or a bunch of producers who ultimately just want to keep me glued to the screen long enough to convince me to buy a year’s supply of Cialis from Eli Lilly.  Scanning the news wires this morning, I want to read the stories about the Ukraine and Michael Brown and immigration and Ebola and ISIS and Syria and the clouds of war…but I keep clicking on reviews of Taylor Swift’s dance moves and Nike Minaj’s butt (one glowing and one not so much…you figure out which is which).  Karl Marx remarked that religion is the opium of the masses, but he didn’t live long enough to get daily updates from People Magazine and TMZ.  The cult of celebrity is the new societal heroin, and I’m just as addicted as anyone.  It’s Monday, and today my devotion to keeping up with the Kardashians makes me feel dirty.  By Friday, it’ll make me feel like a poor man’s Perez Hilton, my fingers professionally palpating the pulsebeat of modern life.  What a difference a week makes.

While we reassured ourselves that the guy who used to be the dad in “Malcolm In The Middle” was the most dramatically gifted meth dealer on cable and that women in prison are more than just a meme in porn videos, the world continued to be a violent, dangerous, corrupt, and supremely unjust place.  (Best line of the night at the Emmy’s, from Bertram van Munster, producer of “The Amazing Race”: “The world is not such a bad place, actually.”)

Things have quieted down in Ferguson.  The streets are nearly empty and the kids are back in school.  The evidence has been presented to a grand jury.  One thing that can reliably be depended upon is the short attention span of the American public.  Outrage calms and anger fades and fatalistic acceptance of the status quo prevails.  Today an audio of Michael Brown’s shooting was released, unconfirmed by the Ferguson authorities, but already investigated by the FBI.  In the recording, you can hear the man who released it sexting with his girlfriend, which gives credence to its authenticity, since it’s at least mildly embarrassing.  In the background you can clearly discern at least ten or eleven gunshots in two groups of five or six, with a pause between the groups.  It’s hard to imagine a scenario that required Darren Wilson to fire that many shots at Michael Brown, but I think one of the commenters got it right: “The last five shots were to make sure Michael Brown never testified.”

Another report came out that Officer Darren Wilson’s career started with the police department in Jennings, Missouri.  That department was deemed to be so racially biased that the Jennings city council ultimately disbanded the entire department and fired all the officers.  I doubt that any of this will make the least bit of difference.  Wilson could have positioned Brown against a wall, taken five steps back, aimed, fired, and delivered a coup de grace, all recorded on five video cameras and witnessed by two nuns, and the prosecutor would still find a way to declare it a justified shooting…which is almost certainly what will happen.  After that, the Justice Department, in order to forestall what might otherwise devolve into an outright rebellion, will bring federal civil rights charges against Wilson, which is a form of justice, but a diluted and ultimately unsatisfying justice.

But hey, “Modern Family” was the best comedy for the umpteenth time in a row, so hand me the remote and the chips.  Life goes on.


NOTE: The hyperlink to the audio tape of the Michael Brown shooting was misdirected.  The correct hyperlink has been inserted.  It’s worth a listen.



Celebrities Behaving Badly: A Naked Instagram Is Never Wrong

Sure, Ebola is cutting through West Africa like a hot knife through butter, police brutality makes blue the new black and blue, racism is alive and well in the heartland, riots are back in fashion, five days of no new deaths constitutes an era of peace and prosperity in Gaza, and there are still scattered extremities and digits in the Ukraine from MH17 that are little more than mulch by this time, but there’s just no problem or crisis that can’t be made a little bit more palatable with some celebrity skin.  Hey, I’m here to help.

So yesterday, Chelsea Handler posted a picture of herself in nothing but stockings and a smirk, titling it “I’m a Kardashian”, this apparently an attempt to denigrate the ladies who’ve provided all the millions of dollars to the E! Network that’s been paying Handler’s paycheck up to now.  Handler seems to feel dirty working at the same place as Kim and Kloe, and will be moving her talkfest to Netflix in the fall.  I have a feeling she’ll be the TV version of Jenny McCarthy, who left “The View” to host her own talk show on Sirius Radio, where her idea of cerebral entertainment is to attempt to work “fuck” into every sentence at least three times.

In other semi-naked news this week:

Miley Cyrus posted an Instagram image of herself squatting in the woods.  Yes, that kind of squatting.  In one way, it seems bizarrely appropriate, and in every other way, it portends the end of civilization as we know it and is emblematic of how social media is the metastatic malignancy of human interaction.

Jennifer Lopez released the cover art for her new album and new single, aptly titled “Booty”, which emphasizes her most marketable asset…which isn’t her singing voice.  When it comes to a rearview that makes J. Lo’s look like a poster for anorexia awareness, few can compete with Ice-T’s wife, Coco, who added an instagram image on August 7 that once you see, you can never unsee.  Bodacious booty, junk in the trunk, and gluteus MAXimus are sort of a summer 2014 theme, what with Jason Derulo’s “Wiggle”, Niki Minaj’s “Anaconda”, and the annual iconic spectacular, Brazil’s “Miss Bumbum” beauty pageant.  Clearly, having a fat ass is not the stigma it once was.  For one more example, check out the “Expose Project”, where blogger Joe Baker collaborated with photographer Liona K to showcase the naked bodies of 96 “normal” women.  Remember what I always say: The favorite sex toy of baby boomers is the dimmer switch.  Low light is our friend.

This week’s break-ups and make-ups:

Tea Leoni and David Duchovny made it official.  Madam Secretary is now the ex of the X-Filer.  She’s the one with the new network series and he’s the one paying 40 grand a month in spousal support.  Sex addiction isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Michael Strahan and Nicole Murphy haven’t been separated a week and they’ve already been spotted together hand-in-hand at a restaraunt in Beverly Hills.  Maybe Kelly Ripa slapped Michael upside the head.

Ciara ended her engagement to Future.  They decided that they just didn’t have enough names to make it work.  Also, Ciara came to the conclusion that…wait for it…there was no future in it.

I couldn’t think of a category for this:

Just watch this clip of the John Oliver show and fast forward to the last few minutes, where Sara Silverman does a brilliant profane hilarious PSA take-down of the payday loan industry.  (Sara is my personal celebrity crush…it’s a Jewdar thing.)

Finally, don’t try this at home:

Man Dies After Vibrator Gets Stuck In Rectum

Next time, nail it to a board, you moron.